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Industry Links

Link resources for trade associations, trade shows and welding institutes. Learn more about the industries that use welding and welding related technologies. Find training and informational resources about industries such as manufacturing, structural steel and shipbuilding.

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Welding Institutes and Associations

Nederlands Instituut voor Lastechniek (NIL)

Het Nederlands Instituut voor Lastechniek (NIL) is een onafhankelijke stichting die de collectieve belangen behartigt van bedrijven, instellingen en personen die werkzaam zijn op het gebied van lassen, lijmen en andere permanente verbindingstechnieken.

The International Institute of Welding

Vision: to be the international vehicle by which innovation and best joining practices could be promoted, while providing an international platform for the exchange and dissemination of evolving welding technologies and applications.

European Welding Association

To foster the interests of its sector of industry, by clarifying its policy and providing channels of communication and negotiation with other bodies. To ensure that, it's sector of industry plays its full part in the interest of the European Union at large and to foster trade in its sector of industry.

DT-Welding Weldconsultancy BV

DT-Welding is actief op diverse gebieden: 1. Training & onderwijs. 2. Lastechnische ondersteuning. 3 Quality Assurance & Quality Control

Trade Associations


Netherlands Association of International Contractors - NABU
European Construction Industry Federation
European International Contractors
The Association of European Experts in Building and Construction
European Engineered Construction Systems Association


Royal Netherlands Society of Engineers (KIVI)
Institution of Mechanical Engineers
Society of Petroleum Engineers


The Nuclear Energy Agency
World Nuclear Association
International Association of Oil and Gas Producers


Netherlands Maritime Technology


The Fabricators & Manufacturers Association, International


World Steel Association
European Steel Association
European Community for Coal and Steel


The Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining

Trade Shows

Intermat Construction Paris
Schweissen & Schneiden

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